Cave Dig Instructions The objective The object of this game is to guide Ably Fox through all of the caves in this game. The object of every cave is to get into the door in each cave safely. The playing keys Click the button "Playing keys" to find out about the keys used in playing this game. Objects Below is a description of what all objects in this game do. Click a picture of an object for a demonstration on it! Ball: This object will bounce in the direction you kick it. Push Stone: Push this object to move it around. Use it to block enemies from harming you. Iup: Collect this item and you will receive an extra life. If you loose all of your lives your game is over. Slide Stone: When you kick this stone it will slide in the direction you kicked it until it hits something. Door: To get out of a cave you need to get to the door, but that is not always easy. Warp: Touch warps to move through solid objects and enemies. If there is an arrow in the warp then you can only warp with the direction the arrow is pointing. Coin: Collect 100 coins and will get an extra life! Boulder: If you touch a boulder it will fall. If it hits you, you die. Loose Boulder: Any time there is nothing under a loose boulder it will fall. Sometimes a loose boulder will be rolling around a cave, stay away! Bubbles: Bubble come from the floor in a cave. You can push them left or right if you move fast. They pop any time they hit something. Balloon: A balloon can be pushed left or right. It will move up if it can and can not be pushed down. Pillar: A pillar is a heavy pieve of stone Ably can push. It will fall if there is nothing under it. Solid Stone: You must go around the object. Dirt: There is a lot of dirt, dig it up. Loose Dirt: You can dig up loose dirt but it will will crush you if it lands on you. Cave Characters Bouncy This character will bounce around in a simple pattern. Don't let it touch you. Snaky: This big snake moves around in a cave. It won't chase you but it can be hard to avoid. Don't let it touch you. Flare Face: The flare face will chase you around a cave. You are going to have to be fast to avoid it. If it touches you, you will loose a life! The Rush: This object will attack you if you cross it's path. Make sure you have something in between you and it. Examples: Push Stone, Slide Stone, Bubble, Balloon or a Pillar. Spitter: This character will usually spit stones at you. Avoid it and it's arsenal.